Benefits of Inpatient Morphine Addiction Treatment

Morphine is the main psychoactive alkaloid of the opium poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, used in medical practices, primarily, to control pain. It remains the prototype by which other opioid prescription painkillers are compared and processed from. Heroin is a synthesized version of morphine that is one of the most addictive drugs in the world and like heroin, those who use morphine for long periods of time or in high dosages can find their addiction high on the list as the most difficult to overcome.

The benefits of inpatient morphine addiction treatment are multifaceted to help individuals detox from the drug, stop the abuse, and lead productive lives.

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Detox Safety

For most individuals morphine withdrawals are not considered life-threatening, but, for those who have compromised health or a chronic history of use and relapses, detox safety is an important benefit of inpatient morphine addiction treatment.

In a safe and clean environment, clinicians and professionals can help to ensure the patients comfort and maintain their vital stability under close and constant observation and care.

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Medically Assisted Withdrawals

Withdrawals from morphine can be unpleasant and painful with severities and durations varying by each individual person. Even the most common withdrawal symptoms are enough to reinforce continued use of morphine which adds to the intensity and consequences of trying to quit the next time.

Medically assisted withdrawal involves the use of methadone or buprenorphine to reduce the acute symptoms of cravings and withdrawals while helping to encourage retention in treatment recovery.

24 Hour Access to Care

Inpatient morphine addiction treatment provides the patient with 24 hour access to the medical and psychiatric services they need to move forward in their recovery. Beyond the detox stage, continued 24 hour access to care can immediately address unique needs of the patient as soon they arise and patients are more apt to remain engaged in the recovery process if they know that help is available.

Treatment can help you quit morphine for good. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to find the help you need today.

Ease of Transition

Morphine Addiction Treatment

Inpatient treatment helps you take a step back so that you can truly address and overcome your addiction.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “detoxification alone does not address the psychological, social, and behavioral problems associated with addiction and therefore does not typically produce lasting behavioral changes necessary for recovery.” Making the transition to formal treatment from detox easier is a primary benefit or morphine addiction treatment.

Without the ease of transition, many will forego the ongoing treatments necessary to produce those lasting changes, mistakenly thinking they can successfully recover on their own from that point.

Enforced Sobriety

Morphine addiction changes the way the brain relates to external or environmental cues that can trigger relapse. An inpatient morphine addiction treatment program reduces these influences and reminders of use through an enforced sobriety atmosphere that limits contacts to outside sources so patients can focus on themselves and their recoveries more attentively.


A major benefit of inpatient morphine addiction treatment is time to heal and discover the positive changes of recovery without being sidetracked from the strategies and goals of abstinence. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical.” Inpatient morphine addiction treatment durations can range from 28 days or longer whenever necessary to ensure that needs of the patient are met.

Comprehensive Care

According to the NIDA “Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug use. To be effective, treatment must address the individual’s drug use and any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems.”

Morphine addiction often leads to poly-substance and intravenous abuse, deteriorated physical health, communicable diseases such as Hepatitis, AIDs, HIV, STDs, and bacterial infections that can destroy bodily tissues and organs. Abusers may be homeless, victims of domestic violence or neglect, unable to work, have legal issues, become involved in risky or criminal behaviors, and have impaired psychological health.

Any of these issues can be recovery obstacle if the person is left on their own. In an inpatient morphine addiction treatment, the patient can be guided through the necessary steps to recovery with the benefit of specialized services when needed.

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Counseling and Therapy

Inpatient morphine addiction treatment affords the addict access to qualified and experienced counselors who can help to identify specific problems in the patient life and provide the support they need. One on one therapy in an inpatient morphine addiction treatment benefits the patient with getting to know and trust their counselor as they see their ongoing needs getting met.

Opening up and getting to the root of underlying issues that may have caused or been exacerbated by the morphine addiction is a benefit of inpatient morphine addiction treatment that can provide the extra encouragement for abstinence and relapse prevention that the patient typically, would not achieve elsewhere.

Behavioral Therapies

Patients seeking treatment for morphine addiction report irresistible craving that leads to continued abuse, despite firm resolutions to remain abstinent. From the patient’s perspective, this motivation to continue use can be a major impediment to abstinence.

Modifying conditioned craving and behaviors of use involves the alleviation of those thoughts. In an inpatient morphine addiction treatment, the behavioral therapies help shift the focus away from the drug seeking and taking behaviors toward more acceptable behaviors that promote a positive, healthy, and productive lifestyle.

the Take-Away

In an inpatient program, clients are able to access care at all times and are surrounded by a supportive environment with people who are in a similar situation as they are themselves.